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发布时间:2023-03-19 23:01:00 来源:互联网


1、1.抽象名词是性质、状态、动作、概念等的名称,如: time(时间), hope(希望), friendship(友谊), knowledge(知识)等。

2、 2.抽象名词一般无复数形式,不加冠词,只有特指时加the。

3、 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

4、 The friendship between us is long and lasting. 我们的友谊地久天长。

5、 friendship是特指的。

6、 3.有些抽象名词可与of连用,起形容词的作用。

7、 It is of great importance. 它是很重要的。

8、相当于It is very important。

9、 absence access age agriculture anger beauty behavior cancer capacity childhood comfort concern confidence courage death democracy depression design duty economy education energy environment evil existence experience failure faith fashion fear finance freedom fun growth happiness health help history independence industry insurance intelligence joy justice labour loneliness love luck magic marriage mercy music nature patience peace philosophy pleasure policy poverty power pride protection purity reality relief religion respect safety security silence sleep strength status technology time trade training transport travel trust truth violence waste wealth weather welfare work worth youth。



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